Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Through rose coloured, horn rimmed, coke bottle glasses

There's a cute little boutique bookshop which happens to be on my route home. This is the kind of bookshop that doesn't have specific window displays, just a bunch of books on a shelf. Looks can be deceiving as this little place well and truly demonstrates as there are always all manner of interesting books that catch your eye.

Anyway... I was walking past and did a slight glance, walk backwards to take another look-see. What have I found? A Woody Allen biography written by Eric Lax called "Conversations with Woody Allen" how apt.

Stay turned to this station for updates...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There's Something Odd...

...about Odd

A new title in our fair land, Odd is one of those super exciting one-off magazines that, once sold out, will never be seen again...
Produced by some fashionable students, of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute in the land of the wooden shoe, this magazine explores six connections between seven people in the creative industry.
The layout is absolutely beautiful and scattered throughout the book are one papers spruiking travel and life essentials that you may not realise you need. There is also this one fashion shoot in particular which deserves a mention, it's a sort of "care-free summer" type shoot with hazy sun light and cool t-shirts and shorts.

This little morsal of a magazine has been in Magnation's top 10 for almost 4 weeks now. Given the staff members are all Ultra Kids I think this well and truely validates the cool-ness of this magazine.

Skip into Magnation and take a Peek at Odd or take a look-see on their website: http://www.thisisodd.com/

The website is pretty good, but to get the full expereince, hunt down the magazine. There really is nothing quite like the feel of good paper stock... (nerd!)

P.S - if you look carefully, you can find a little photo of me in the first couple of pages. Totally famous.